Feature-length animated film ‘KILLTUBE’ Launch
WACHAJACK is participating in the production of the original feature-length animated film ‘KILLTUBE’ (directed by Kazuaki Kuribayashi), aiming for a 2026 release. Set in a Japan where the Edo period has mysteriously continued until 2026.
‘KILLTUBE’ is a battle entertainment story about three individuals from the lowest social class who defy public ridicule and strive to reach the top in a society where the only way to change one’s social status is through “duel streaming.”
The film will be primarily 3DCG-based and is being developed.
The pilot video released today features a theme of “Edo Punk,” vividly depicting Shibuya and Shinjuku in a parallel world Japan. It challenges the fusion of CG expressions with a shin hanga (modern Japanese woodblock print) look and various animation textures.
■Feature-length animated film ‘KILLTUBE’
・ Official Website: https://killtu.be/
・Pilot Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vuy6rEKE3jA